Flight Simulation Articles

Each week the Team at Simulator Review brings you articles from around the world of flight simulation. If you would like to join our Team get in touch through our Contact Us page.


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Our website continues to grow, with improving visitor numbers and additions to the world wide database. We believe we have the world’s most comprehensive fixed

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Worldflight provides the flight sim community an opportunity to come together and raise funds for many worthy causes. Alexis takes us through what Worldflight involves and his extensive experience over the years.

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Farewell to the Jumbo

Over the last few weeks we have had the sad news that BA will be retiring their remaining fleet of 31 Boeing 747-400 aircraft. They

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Collimated Visuals

Visuals are such a big part of a flight simulation experience for most people. So today we look at collimated displays and why we so often mention them in our Featured Reviews.

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