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What We Look For In Our Reviews – Part 3

The final installment in our three part series looks at the welcome and communication, the instruction and the business set-up in general.

In the third and final article in our look behind the scenes of our reviews we review the areas of the welcome, the instruction and the business offering. In part 1 we looked at the flight simulator itself. And in part 2 we discussed what we look for in the location, venue and function of the experience.

The Welcome

The quality of the flight simulation experience is much more than the flight simulator hardware and software itself. These aspects of course do make a real difference in whether a customer enjoys the experience and believes they are receiving value for money. But we believe the non-tanglible aspects, like most businesses, will often set a venue apart from its competition.

If I can use my personal experience with our friends at Delta 5 as an example this will perhaps best illustrate what we notice and take note of in our reviews. Right from first contact with Delta 5 our experience with them was nothing but positive and their engagement was consistently good. Both in written and in-person their manner was professional and yet friendly and warm. They built a positive atmosphere in our dealings and went beyond what many venues will give us in terms of time and information.

We see this approach continues in their offerings to the customer, the accommodation of guests at their venue, their very reasonable pricing – often referred to as the “soft-sell”.

The Instruction

The next aspect we take note of is the flight instruction side of the experience. Again, not a lot of point having a flight simulator with all the bells and whistles while the instructor doesn’t know how to get the most from a session for the customer.

Things we look out for include the professionalism and knowledge in the simulator; application of standard operating procedures, a health and safety briefing and general confidence in briefing all of this together. We do like to see current or former airline pilots delivering this part of the service, but this isn’t essential.

The Business

The business side of the simulator venue is the last of the factors we are looking at during our featured venue visits. Like most of the sections we have covered in this three part series, there is normally no one particular issue we are looking for, but rather how the many factors come together as an overall package for the customer.

In the case of “the business” we consider how long the venue has been in operation, do they have partnerships with other venues or charities, do they have a good feel of the simulator market, what are the specific aims of the business and is there anything that makes it stand out from the competition.

Of course some of these aspects are not going to be shared with us, but many venues are very open in their own strengths and weaknesses, in particular where they can make improvements to make even a better customer experience.


That concludes our article series looking at what factors we consider in our featured venue visits and reviews. We hope you have found this interesting and always we welcome your feedback and comments. Please drop us note in the comments section below or get in touch through our Contact Us page.

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